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Monday, April 26, 2010

Next Heritage PTSA Meeting is Thursday, May 6th

Please mark your calendar for Thursday, May 6th at 6:30 PM for the next Heritage Middle School PTSA meeting. It will be held in the school library. Some topics include the 8th Grade Formal and Audit Committee formation. Hope to see you then!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Two Heritage Teachers Win Prestigious Honors

Ms. Alison Lampp, eighth grade science teacher, was accepted into the Teacher-to-Ranger-to-Teacher Program through the U.S. National Park Service for this summer. The program was developed to benefit teachers, schools, and the National Park Service. As a Ranger, Alison will participate in experiences and duties assigned by the park such as helping with summer camps, giving interpretive talks, studying with biologists, as well as looking at and evaluating educational programs that the park has in place. When Ms. Lampp returns to school in the fall she will share these experiences with her students and other staff members. Also, during National Park Week Ms. Lampp will present to Heritage as well as other schools what she has learned about the park system. Ms. Lampp will be stationed at the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. In addition, she will be able to add one more uniform to her collection! Please be sure you congratulate Ms. Lampp on her honor.

Mrs. Deborah Cattell, eighth grade social studies teacher, was accepted to "We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution" Ohio-Indiana-Kentucky Summer Institute held at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana and sponsored by the Ohio Center for Law-Related Education. Debby is one of only 14 teachers from Ohio accepted into this prestigious week long institute. As a member of this institute, Mrs. Cattell will receive a free classroom set of We the People textbooks, will be able to attend a one-day workshop on We the People this fall, as well as implement a simulated congressional hearing in her classroom. Along with the simulated congressional hearing Heritage students will have an opportunity to compete at the state level based on what they learned. Please congratulate Debby on her acceptance into the "We the People" institute.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Heritage PTSA Meeting Thursday, April 15th

Heritage PTSA will be meeting on Thursday, April 15th at 6:30 PM in the Library at Heritage Middle School. We will be electing next year's officers. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Students Could Win a Trip to Washington DC and a Laptop Computer

PTA is partnering with the Washington, DC Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation on their Kids for King Education Initiative which inspires youth from grades 3-12 to write an essay, create a piece of art, or produce a short video about the lasting legacy of Dr. King and his ideals of democracy, justice, hope, and love.

Nine finalists will be selected from the entries received who will win a trip to Washington, D.C. and will participate in a live press event on the National Mall. Each of the finalists will also receive a laptop computer. Complimentary meals, travel, and hotel accommodations will be provided for each student and a parent/chaperone. Each Kids for King Education Initiative entrant will receive a blue Build the Dream wristband.

The deadline for entries in April 30, 2010, so act fast! To learn more about the program visit